GQ L-Draht Universalgold Norm
Laser wire
Gold-based precious metal alloy with a high gold content intended for metal-ceramic dentures or as a dental casting alloy, type 4 (extra hard), according to DIN EN ISO 22674 Item No.
1405 (10401310)
Product description
- inlays, onlays
- crowns
- small bridges
- bridges of any physiological span
- milling, taper and attachment work *
- model casting
- veneering with LFC
* Depending on the copper content, discoloration may occur. Please refer to our statement "Cu-containing alloys for milling, conical and attachment work".
Au: 73.80 %Pt: 9.00 %
Ir: 0.10 %
Ag: 9.20 %
Cu: 4.40 %
In: 1.50 %
Zn: 2.00 %
Universal Gold
Product type
Laser wire